December 10, 2008

Dream Crush

Karena pengaruh Edward Cullen dan Bella, juga Jasper dan Alice (mereka walupun ga sedarah tapi jadi 1 keluarga kan), gw pengen ngomongin cinta terlarang. Hehe..

I had a dream crush. This boy was not typical perfect looking boy. Actually, I prefer the rocker-looked guy completed with the attitude to a porcelain skinned prince. When I was in the middle school, I had a crush on Guns n' Roses guitarist, Slash. At that time, not even one of my girls did like him. Since then, hardly did I pick which guy normally said handsome by my fellow. I just see the guys from the attitude and ‘style’.

ain't he..? (click)

And the second problem, my mom dislikes this typical rocker guys. She hates piercing. She doesn’t like long haired guy, sweaty guy, and leather pants. Oh my… T_T

Jadi cinta terlarang gw mungkin dengan pangeran bergitar. Hehe... Tapi itu DULU. Don’t remember that much how come I didn’t dream about being a CEO’s wife…